1st international conference

Call for papers
In Africa and more particularly in Côte d'Ivoire, education systems are undergoing changes in pedagogical approaches, fueled by projects of all kinds financed by international aid: AFD, the World Bank, UNICEF, MCC , etc.
All these structures, through European experts, create, innovate, experiment, divert, restructure, dictate program content, pedagogical approaches and governance of secondary and higher education establishments through the Western prism.
Among the major innovations in pedagogy, we were able to learn about television education in the 1970s, then training by skills (or shall we say rather), approaches by skills from 2003.
Higher education is not to be outdone, since it has also switched to the LMD system since 2013 by presidential decree.
Teaching content has evolved considerably. We had the introduction of technological means in the training of teachers which gave rise to the IFADEM project and its corollary the teaching of computer science from primary school to college. This is a very nice initiative which unfortunately comes up against the lack of equipped rooms in schools, the lack of devices and internet connection.
The creation of local colleges has given birth to a new type of college teacher. These are trained in bivalence. This college reform project is supported by CIEP through AFD. Here too, the observation is the same. Even if the bivalent Maths-TICE teachers receive quality training at the École normale supérieure d'Abidjan, they have no teaching materials to teach computer courses in colleges.

Taking gender into account in primary and secondary education programs, inclusive education, education in citizenship and human rights, entrepreneurship, etc. are all projects that often arrive like a hair on the soup.
Have we really thought about these projects? Have we really established a link between these projects and our African realities? Can these projects be a lasting part of our way of life, in the context of developing countries, characterized by overcrowded classes, lack of infrastructure, lack of teaching and educational materials, quantitative and qualitative insufficiency of teachers, the presence of endogenous languages? Therein lies the whole problem.
The drastic reduction in the repetition rate, the harmonization of the coefficients to 1 for all disciplines in the first cycle of secondary school and the automatic transition to 6th grade from 85 points are all great initiatives. However, they unfortunately show students who are weaker and weaker in mathematics and French, both oral and written, in our establishments, to name only these two disciplines. The indiscipline of certain pupils makes the biggest nostalgic people regret "the good old days", where the teacher was this austere pedagogue.
So what can we do? For some, the solution would come from a real consideration of our socio-cultural realities, for others, from a real revolution in our teaching content.
It has often been noted and deplored the fact that development in Africa, conceived according to the Western model, has not advanced much the cause of the black continent. In many countries, moreover, the situation seems to have gotten worse than in colonial times. Because it is not only a question of the exploitation of Africans by the great economic powers; it is also necessary to ask whether African culture has really been taken into account in the different models of economic and technical progress proposed. Indeed, the foundations of African anthropology resist modernity and they should, therefore, constitute the soul of any development program in Africa. "If we want to advance Africa, we will have to take into account its culture and involve the whole people in the development process." (Bujo, 2007: 42).
In this dynamic, African culture cannot be ignored in terms of instruction and education. In the words of Peelman, “each of us bathes in our culture like a fish in water. (1988: 42). And this one, in its manifestations which are morality, religion, art, tradition follows us like a shadow in all our past and our daily life. We cannot in any day, separate ourselves from it since it brings together all the spheres of our life and our being.
Taking gender into account in primary and secondary education programs, inclusive education, education in citizenship and human rights, entrepreneurship, etc. are so many projects that often arrive like a hair on The young Cameroonian writer Richard Gatchoko Youaleu (and many others before him), sound the alarm when when by the voice of the main character of his book: The dream of a African democrat, insists that no country in this world can develop with the culture of another people.
On the other hand, the stricto sensus application of school curricula from the start of school in Africa and of pedagogical approaches from the West can no longer continue. In France, voices are raised to decry the system in place, fluctuating according to the inspiration of the politician (Legrand, 2019) and to propose a real revolution in school policy, a change from top to bottom (Gautier, 2019) . If the aim of the school in addition to education is to train citizens capable of living in society, in harmony with themselves, with nature and with others, the subjects taught, the programs and the contents of teaching deserve to be looked at closely.
This conference gives a voice to all of you teachers, researchers, practitioners of the preschool, primary and secondary cycles, in order to collect your analyzes and reflections on curriculum reforms, school policies in Africa and particularly in Côte d'Ivoire. It will be a question of how to (re) reconcile our education system with our linguistic and cultural realities. Indeed, for the school to remain effective in Africa, for the well-being of future generations, we would have to innovate our programs through the prism of the current realities of our education systems.
To shed light on this field, your contributions are expected at the educational, psychological, sociological, anthropological, philosophical, historical and economic educational level.
Finally, we paraphrase Florence Tsagué (2017), saying: in the era of the globalization of knowledge, it is essential for each people to define at the Senghorian meeting of "give and receive" an educational policy that is inspired by its culture, its history, orientates its present and fertilizes its ambitions.
The papers will focus on the following themes:
Theme 1: Learn oral / written French and acquire skills
Theme 2: Renovation of educational programs, curricula and teaching content
Theme 3: Education and socio-cultural context
Theme 4: Educational guidance and out-of-school students
Theme 5: Construction of knowledge and relationships to the knowledge of learners
Theme 6: Observation and analysis of class practices
Theme 7: Innovation in teaching practices by TICE
Scientific Committee

Valy Sidibé (Côte d’Ivoire)

Philippe Jonnaert (Canada)

Christine Vidal-Gomel, (France)

Isabelle Vinatier, (France)

Jérémie N’Guessan Kouadio (Côte d’Ivoire)

Camille Abolou (Côte d’Ivoire)

Raoul Koné (Côte d’Ivoire)

Ibrahima Kourouma (Côte d’Ivoire)

Kouakou Kouakoussui (Côte d’Ivoire)

Adama Coulibaly (Côte d’Ivoire)

Issa Diallo (Burkina-Faso)

Nanzouan Silue (Côte d’Ivoire)

Kalifa Traoré (Burkina-Faso)

Patricia Nebout Arkhurst (Côte d’Ivoire)

Yapo Yapi(Côte d’Ivoire)

Elvis Gbaklia Koffi (Côte d’Ivoire)

Opadou Koudou (Côte d’Ivoire)

François Azoh (Côte d’Ivoire)

Koia Jean-Martial Kouamé (Côte d’Ivoire)

Andrianasy Angelo DJISTERA (Madagascar)

Alhassane Cissé (Côte d’Ivoire)

Organizing Committee

Abou Fofana

Inanan Koueiwon Gaspard

Krouele Touré

Yapi Arsène Thiérry Séka

Djelle Opely Patrice A.

Assane Traoré

Gnamien née Essiomlé Yawa

Lazare Golly

Yeboua Atta

kacou Vincent Kissiédou

Dogbo L. Désirée Mambo-Grattié

Bi Tra Tiamaoui

Bogui Pita

Guy Yao

Flaubert N. K. Aka

Josiane Konan

Michel Y. K. Agba

Babara Bangoura

Françis Aka

Amon Kassi Holo

Deadline for receipt of communication proposals: May 31, 2020
Notification of acceptance or refusal: June 30, 2020
Conference dates: July 8 and 9, 2020

Conference location
Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)

Costs of attending the conference:
25,000 FCFA for teacher-researchers and practitioners. 15,000 FCFA for students. These participation fees cover coffee breaks, lunches.


Submission procedure

Registration is open on the site colloquegirpe.sciencesconf.org

Proposals for abstracts in French (between 300 and 500 words) must be sent as an attachment (doc. Format) no later than April 30, 2020. The summaries will be accompanied by a brief presentation of the author (First name and NAME, Home institution, email address), a bibliography of 5 titles, the axis in which the contribution is written and the keywords.

Publication of the conference proceedings is planned.

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